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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Axe of Reyala 175 Weapon Rare 85 0 0 265 0
Axe of Rughal 591 Weapon Common 850 0 332 0 0
Axe of Salfor 273 Weapon Common 250 0 0 296 0
Axe of Seip 903 Weapon Common 715 0 0 1091 0
Axe of Sendor 1223 Weapon Common 0 0 978 1468 0
Axe of Shuito 1100 Weapon Unique 1810 0 0 400 0
Axe of Sougnarf 770 Weapon Unique 975 0 575 0 0
Axe of Sundalis 272 Weapon Rare 250 0 0 294 0
Axe of Suthdor 421 Weapon Common 430 0 162 250 0
Axe of Tadalok 459 Weapon Rare 225 0 0 701 0
Axe of Takkorel 1093 Weapon Common 1336 0 0 850 0
Axe of Taxale 219 Weapon Rare 200 0 78 163 0
Axe of Terali 940 Weapon Rare 487 0 645 752 0
Axe of Trallnor 417 Weapon Rare 334 0 0 500 0
Axe of Tuirsa 861 Weapon Rare 0 0 349 1377 0
Axe of Ulateh 145 Weapon Rare 120 0 0 125 45
Axe of Ulthano 3626 Weapon Common 2901 0 0 4351 0
Axe of Umapahi 767 Weapon Rare 0 0 677 859 0
Axe of Valea 281 Weapon Rare 303 0 0 262 0
Axe of Verfila 884 Weapon Common 745 0 285 738 0
Axe of Vilgaris 330 Weapon Rare 238 0 126 300 0
Axe of Volcanis 204 Weapon Unique 200 0 0 210 0
Axe of Vordin 370 Weapon Common 200 0 140 400 0
Axe of Whantor 328 Weapon Rare 130 0 129 400 1
Axe of Yeltz 55 Weapon Unique 10 0 30 45 0

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