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[ Page: First . . 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Zorgrom Axe 1 Component Common 0 0 0 0 0
Zorgrom Shield 1 Component Common 0 0 0 0 0
Zylath Zombie Amulet 3840 Amulet Rare 0 0 3125 0 4563
Zylath Zombie Ring 3840 Ring Rare 0 0 3075 0 4613
Rune of Multi-Fortify 58 Rune Rare -35 108 40 -2 0
Wizardly Boots 36 Boots Common 0 42 22 -4 12
Armor of Elighkar 400 Armor Rare 200 610 0 -5 2
Armor of Fedlig 152 Armor Rare -12 0 301 -5 20
Armor of Kraken 57 Armor Rare -25 50 92 -5 0
Armor of Morthal 203 Armor Rare 0 -15 295 -5 131
Gloves of Takar 58 Gloves Common -15 50 85 -5 0
Gloves of Zanzar 98 Gloves Common 25 145 31 -5 0
Hell Forged Scalemail 27 Armor Common 0 40 20 -5 0
Nightshade Rune 28 Rune Unique 15 15 15 -5 15
Shield of Anglar 74 Shield Common -15 125 44 -5 0
Sorcerers Boots 25 Boots Common 0 35 20 -5 0
Sunfire Gloves 50 Gloves Rare 0 50 35 -5 20
Thunder Ring 48 Ring Rare 70 10 10 -5 10
Valmels Helmet 122 Helmet Common -10 114 145 -5 0
Helmet of Yulzar 156 Helmet Rare -5 80 199 -7 45
Armor of Leekma 126 Armor Rare -15 125 150 -8 0
Ring of Fate 46 Ring Unique 25 25 25 -8 25
Absorbing Shield 42 Shield Common -10 58 56 -10 -10
Amulet of Zalro 111 Amulet Rare -5 52 185 -10 0
Armor of Celosa 204 Armor Common 153 0 265 -10 0

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