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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Dumtil 698 Rune Rare 0 704 0 696 0
Rune of Gimvar 561 Rune Rare 170 704 0 252 0
Armor of Joryas 459 Armor Rare 102 702 0 118 0
Gloves of Zintor 552 Gloves Rare 302 702 0 104 0
Gloves of Recuija 748 Gloves Common 0 701 0 0 795
Ai Chay Ke Amulet 750 Amulet Unique 810 700 0 0 0
Armor of Loridal 377 Armor Rare 0 700 0 58 0
Armor of the Obsidian Queen 1170 Armor Unique 50 700 0 1600 0
Gloves of Ozdrin 444 Gloves Common 100 700 0 88 0
Kreth Ward of Pain 450 Shield Unique 100 700 0 0 15
Ring of losdor 504 Ring Common 108 700 0 200 0
Rune of Wengi 622 Rune Common 244 700 0 300 0
Sea Dog Boots 537 Boots Unique 0 700 0 310 74
Temple Sandals 560 Boots Unique 0 700 0 430 0
Zang Death Robe 550 Armor Rare 200 700 0 208 0
Helmet of LuVaxVull 390 Helmet Rare 0 695 0 89 0
Ring of Naelwak 697 Ring Common 0 695 0 699 0
Rune of Tanaleg 761 Rune Common 0 695 0 827 0
Rune of Zeighar 758 Rune Unique 0 695 0 831 0
Amulet of Feroshil 800 Amulet Rare 0 689 0 915 0
Amulet of Tomaela 686 Amulet Rare 0 689 0 687 0
Boots of Advaterl 793 Boots Rare 0 689 0 901 0
Flail of Smerlia 932 Weapon Rare 0 689 0 1179 0
Gloves of Intavel 1104 Gloves Rare 1523 689 0 0 0
Rune of Geborash 935 Rune Rare 0 689 0 1185 0

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