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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gundisalvs Shield 2100 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 0 2590 0 1810
Pine Tree 2100 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Popcorn String 2100 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Recipe of Kraganaths Smashing Helm 2100 Recipe Epic 0 0 0 0 0
Shadow Weave Gloves 2100 Gloves Epic 0 3150 1350 0 0
Sorcerer Robe Scraps 2100 Component Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Sorcerer Staff Shard 2100 Component Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Sorcerers Focus Amulet 2100 Amulet Legendary 1740 0 2610 0 0
Sorcerers Shroud Rune 2100 Rune Legendary 1790 0 2560 0 0
Tree Star 2100 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Twinklesparks Colourful Cuirass 2100 Armor Legendary 1740 2610 0 0 0
Twinklesparks Colourful Rune 2100 Rune Legendary 1690 2660 0 0 0
Elihir Shaman Amulet 2093 Amulet Rare 0 0 3186 1008 0
Elihir Shaman Ring 2093 Ring Rare 0 0 2086 2108 0
Bastion Ice Armour 2087 Armor Rare 0 2860 0 1322 0
Bastion Ice Helmet 2087 Helmet Rare 0 1721 0 2461 0
Blade of Sjaye 2076 Weapon Common 0 3150 0 1002 0
Coffin Dodgers Ring 2075 Ring Legendary 1240 0 0 3060 0
Coffin Dodgers Shield 2075 Shield Legendary 1290 0 0 3010 0
Djiels Cuirass 2075 Armor Unique 2912 0 1248 0 0
Djiels Necklace 2075 Amulet Unique 2862 0 1298 0 0
Shanaraqs Finned Boots 2075 Boots Legendary 0 2580 1720 0 0
Shanaraqs Glinting Ring 2075 Ring Legendary 0 2530 1770 0 0
Hell Bound Gauntlets 2059 Gloves Rare 2476 0 1640 0 0
Hell Bound Helm 2059 Helmet Rare 2476 0 1640 0 0

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