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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ring of Zardiss 466 Ring Common 321 0 301 310 0
Rune of Lontrin 466 Rune Rare 311 0 314 311 0
Shield of Mithsir 466 Shield Common 244 0 431 257 0
Amulet of Solnor 465 Amulet Common 436 0 256 238 0
Armor of Lort 465 Armor Common 240 532 0 158 0
Boots of Droth 465 Boots Common 212 0 361 357 0
Gloves of Xull 465 Gloves Rare 288 0 384 262 0
Helmet of Louth 465 Helmet Rare 239 0 461 234 0
Hooked Spear of Adrill 465 Weapon Rare 322 0 0 612 0
Ring of Krax 465 Ring Rare 312 218 0 402 0
Rune of Huthchor 465 Rune Rare 302 402 0 230 0
Sea Serpent Amulet 465 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Shield of Vorton 465 Shield Rare 234 0 546 154 0
Amulet of Silfoun 464 Amulet Common 234 464 0 230 0
Armor of Polgron 464 Armor Common 270 358 0 300 0
Boots of Sorindos 464 Boots Rare 318 0 362 252 0
Gloves of Uxdull 464 Gloves Rare 212 0 345 375 0
Halbard of Roroz 464 Weapon Rare 402 0 102 428 0
Helmet of Essrax 464 Helmet Rare 214 0 514 204 0
Ring of Xerk 464 Ring Common 268 430 0 230 0
Rune of Guthlonver 464 Rune Common 228 0 400 300 0
Shield of Worgok 464 Shield Rare 282 0 502 148 0
Amulet of Qarloss 463 Amulet Common 220 400 0 306 0
Amulet of the Sun 463 Amulet Unique 246 0 400 290 0
Armor of Irsorjin 463 Armor Common 209 0 487 230 0

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