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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Armor of Volacan 110 Armor Rare 10 110 90 0 10
Blade of Ielore 110 Weapon Rare 135 0 0 85 0
Boots of Xazmo 110 Boots Rare 0 75 145 0 0
Flaming Firebird Amulet 110 Amulet Legendary 95 0 175 0 0
Flaming Firebird Greaves 110 Boots Legendary 108 0 162 0 0
Full Moon Lupine Eyes 110 Shield Legendary 60 0 130 50 0
Full Moon Skull Crusher 110 Weapon Legendary 100 0 70 70 0
Full Moon Wolf Pelt 110 Armor Legendary 100 0 60 80 0
Gloves of Rightmar 110 Gloves Rare 15 65 115 25 0
Golden Gladiator Helm 110 Helmet Legendary 0 158 0 112 0
Golden Gladiator Rune 110 Rune Legendary 0 164 0 106 0
Helmet of Passlam 110 Helmet Rare 50 70 50 0 50
Leikmar Amulet 110 Amulet Unique 65 80 0 80 0
Leikmar Armor 110 Armor Unique 0 225 0 0 0
Leikmar Boots 110 Boots Unique 45 125 0 55 0
Leikmar Gloves 110 Gloves Unique 55 172 0 0 0
Leikmar Helmet 110 Helmet Unique 5 110 0 85 20
Leikmar Ring 110 Ring Unique 45 40 0 135 0
Leikmar Rune 110 Rune Unique 42 100 0 82 0
Leikmar Scythe 110 Weapon Unique 125 0 0 100 0
Leikmar Shield 110 Shield Unique 0 225 0 0 0
Ring of Pezfor 110 Ring Rare 65 0 65 45 45
Rune of Tablore 110 Rune Rare 25 125 25 45 0
Shield of Xelmar 110 Shield Rare 0 20 100 0 100
Talisman of Aarman 110 Amulet Rare 105 35 80 0 0

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