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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Helmet of Colarr 635 Helmet Common 415 0 0 855 0
Rune of Eassel 635 Rune Common 0 0 320 950 0
Amulet of Kombael 634 Amulet Rare 0 989 0 283 0
Boots of Squiall 634 Boots Common 885 0 0 383 0
Rune of Wariale 634 Rune Rare 785 0 487 0 0
Sword of Rattal 634 Weapon Common 323 0 0 945 0
Amulet of Lihhal 633 Amulet Common 295 0 0 971 0
Boots of Rofoar 633 Boots Common 891 0 375 0 0
Chevial Hilt 633 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Gloves of Bannical 633 Gloves Rare 325 0 0 945 0
Helmet of Kronai 633 Helmet Common 0 375 0 891 0
Ring of Radiale 633 Ring Common 0 976 0 290 0
Rune of Ferigmar 633 Rune Common 978 0 288 0 0
Rune of Jelighar 633 Rune Rare 316 954 0 0 0
Shield of Mamithae 633 Shield Common 0 975 0 291 0
Armor of Fellaphel 632 Armor Rare 0 288 0 980 0
Ring of Throale 632 Ring Common 314 0 950 0 0
Rune of Tradal 632 Rune Common 950 0 314 0 0
Ziprael Amulet 632 Amulet Common 314 0 0 950 0
Amulet of Halesap 631 Amulet Common 750 0 512 0 0
Hammer of Jussarel 631 Weapon Rare 0 454 0 812 0
Helmet of Elrighmar 631 Helmet Rare 917 0 349 0 0
Ring of Aeslam 631 Ring Common 345 0 0 917 0
Amulet of Babael 630 Amulet Common 945 315 0 0 0
Dokheri Plant 630 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0

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