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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of Trilvillon 500 Shield Rare 250 554 0 200 0
Spirit Tainted Boots 500 Boots Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 690 0 285 175 0
Spirit Tainted Gloves 500 Gloves Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 295 0 690 165 0
Superior Reindeer Antlers 500 Weapon Legendary 375 0 0 725 0
Superior Reindeer Candy 500 Amulet Legendary 350 0 750 0 0
Superior Santork Claws 500 Gloves Legendary 350 0 0 750 0
Superior Santork Hat 500 Helmet Legendary 300 0 300 500 0
Treeman Bark 500 Armor Unique 0 0 450 560 0
Treeman Roots 500 Boots Unique 150 0 300 560 0
Turkey Blood 500 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey Bones 500 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey Helm 500 Helmet Unique 0 560 0 450 0
Wild Turkey Feathers 500 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Xmas Polar Claws 500 Gloves Common 321 0 152 527 0
Amulet of Sindort 499 Amulet Common 330 0 340 328 0
Armor of Bullath 499 Armor Rare 210 0 604 188 0
Boots of Viltor 499 Boots Rare 313 384 0 305 0
Crescent Edge of Xaljath 499 Weapon Rare 402 0 182 418 0
Gloves of Lopvath 499 Gloves Common 326 340 0 332 0
Helmet of Hakjarton 499 Helmet Rare 430 0 304 268 0
KyMan's Hypnotic Shield 499 Shield Super Elite 0 0 30 20 0
KyMan's Javelin Mic 499 Weapon Super Elite 0 0 30 20 0
Ring of Tortron 499 Ring Rare 297 421 0 284 0
Rune of Iinphor 499 Rune Common 300 398 0 300 0
Shield of Rillkas 499 Shield Rare 361 423 0 218 0

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