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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ucran Key 55 Quest Item Common 0 0 0 0 0
Amulet of Krae 54 Amulet Rare 40 15 15 24 15
Asyun Cross Shield 54 Shield Unique -8 66 44 0 5
Fangal Plating 54 Armor Rare 0 55 40 0 14
Lore Helmet 54 Helmet Common 15 34 54 0 6
Ring of Shurika 54 Ring Common 50 15 9 35 0
Rune of Granduor 54 Rune Common 50 -25 54 35 -6
Sword of Gryth 54 Weapon Common 54 -8 20 40 0
Amulet of Thar 53 Amulet Rare 35 40 27 0 5
Hellfire Armor 53 Armor Rare 15 47 33 0 10
Hellfire Gloves 53 Gloves Rare 20 32 23 25 5
Hellfire Shield 53 Shield Rare 0 43 60 0 0
Hussan Boots 53 Boots Common 0 40 62 0 5
Maiskan Skull Shield 53 Shield Common 0 54 52 0 0
Ring of Aura 53 Ring Common 15 40 40 5 7
Shield of Amigar 53 Shield Common 0 77 30 0 0
Almish Boots 52 Boots Rare 0 45 60 0 0
Gekron Armor Plating 52 Armor Common -15 39 75 0 3
Helmet of Golbrath 52 Helmet Common 15 36 50 0 4
Heretic Gloves 52 Gloves Common 32 25 40 6 2
Ring of Gorris 52 Ring Common 45 -10 52 5 10
Rune of Omar 52 Rune Rare 40 0 0 60 5
Sword of Isar 52 Weapon Common 50 10 0 45 0
Amulet of Locart 51 Amulet Common 25 20 43 10 5
Axe of Lotmar 51 Weapon Common 35 0 0 68 0

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