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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Envious Boots 4050 Boots Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 5775 0 0 2475 0
Envious Rune 4050 Rune Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 5725 0 0 2525 0
Fire Chomper Gauntlets 4050 Gloves Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 2475 0 5775 0
Fire Chomper Greaves 4050 Boots Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 2525 0 5725 0
Fire Ember 4050 Component Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Fire Shard 4050 Component Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Hermanus Helm 4050 Helmet Legendary 0 2475 0 5775 0
Hermanus Shield 4050 Shield Legendary 0 2525 0 5725 0
Recipe of Ghastly Santork War Claws 4050 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Recipe of Ghastly Santork War Mask 4050 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Zorgrom Summoners Crown 4050 Helmet Legendary 0 5725 0 2525 0
Zorgrom Summoners Robes 4050 Armor Legendary 0 5775 0 2475 0
Mamont Skull Shield 4038 Shield Rare 0 2425 0 5659 0
Mamont Tusk Spear 4038 Weapon Rare 0 2475 0 5609 0
Breastplate of Battaroth 4026 Armor Common 0 5636 2416 0 0
Neitori Behemoth Armor 4025 Armor Unique 5642 0 0 2418 0
Neitori Behemoth Shield 4025 Shield Unique 5592 0 0 2468 0
Outhouse Sigil Ring 4025 Ring Legendary 5740 2460 0 0 0
Outhouse Sigil Rune 4025 Rune Legendary 5690 2510 0 0 0
Vigilscale Amulet 4025 Amulet Legendary 3580 542 1976 913 1189
Vigilscale Boots 4025 Boots Legendary 3560 392 2076 923 1249
Vigilscale Cuirass 4025 Armor Legendary 3570 402 1976 963 1289
Vigilscale Gloves 4025 Gloves Legendary 3560 492 2046 913 1189
Vigilscale Helm 4025 Helmet Legendary 3680 392 1976 913 1239
Vigilscale Ring 4025 Ring Legendary 3675 397 1976 963 1189

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