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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Bauhger 874 Rune Common 423 1325 0 0 0
Rune of Pelgarir 874 Rune Unique 0 530 0 1228 0
Amulet of Ofghera 873 Amulet Common 0 315 0 1431 0
Boots of Derigna 873 Boots Rare 0 0 1435 315 0
Helmet of Thoaser 873 Helmet Common 1375 0 371 0 0
Rune of Berrilad 873 Rune Rare 314 0 1436 0 0
Amulet of Faithlua 872 Amulet Rare 329 0 1419 0 0
Amulet of Ferill 872 Amulet Unique 494 500 0 760 0
Armor of Yesripa 872 Armor Rare 0 419 0 1329 0
Ring of Zoppadel 872 Ring Common 1499 0 245 0 0
Rune of Derigla 872 Rune Common 0 1459 0 285 0
Amulet of Berdila 871 Amulet Common 225 0 1517 0 0
Boots of Belaio 871 Boots Rare 0 1427 0 319 0
Rune of Giota 871 Rune Rare 1397 0 349 0 0
Saber of Roasuila 871 Weapon Common 0 385 0 1177 0
Amulet of Sorifie 870 Amulet Common 395 0 1345 0 0
Kouras Orb 870 Weapon Unique 685 0 185 880 0
Kouras Pendant 870 Amulet Unique 350 0 1400 0 0
Kouras Ring 870 Ring Unique 0 0 1150 600 0
Mace of Guiral 870 Weapon Rare 0 1375 0 369 0
Pendant of Djinn 870 Amulet Unique 0 345 0 1405 0
Rune of Offakle 870 Rune Rare 1355 389 0 0 0
Shield of Ploura 870 Shield Common 645 0 385 710 0
Amulet of Peuira 869 Amulet Common 0 395 0 1343 0
Ring of Auira 869 Ring Common 345 0 1393 0 0

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