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[ Page: First . . 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 . . Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Armor of DuDrasax 385 Armor Rare 102 0 572 100 0
Blade of ZolVuxKesh 385 Weapon Rare 248 0 0 526 0
Boots of XolGazrim 385 Boots Rare 168 606 0 0 0
Gloves of PuzJorDox 385 Gloves Rare 107 0 459 208 0
Helmet of UgZakKaz 385 Helmet Rare 95 0 592 87 0
Ring of LuTulGozz 385 Ring Rare 0 0 430 344 0
Rune of KazKetok 385 Rune Rare 230 0 544 0 0
Shield of ZolGottJash 385 Shield Rare 99 0 551 124 0
Amulet of RuXolKor 384 Amulet Rare 459 0 313 0 0
Armor of OzKazook 384 Armor Rare 177 580 0 0 15
Boots of VulVazNok 384 Boots Common 111 0 302 355 0
Gloves of NuKaxUg 384 Gloves Rare 370 0 200 202 0
Helmet of SaJolKor 384 Helmet Common 211 557 0 0 0
Ring of ZolGotta 384 Ring Common 108 210 0 450 0
Rune of DarGrash 384 Rune Rare 399 373 0 0 0
Shield of GraaJik 384 Shield Common 200 568 0 0 0
Sword of HuJiklom 384 Weapon Common 402 64 0 302 0
Amulet of JoNirKa 383 Amulet Rare 144 124 0 502 0
Armor of GirQulRak 383 Armor Rare 0 659 0 111 0
Boots of VoKuxUzz 383 Boots Rare 333 0 437 0 0
Gloves of GraaJiklom 383 Gloves Rare 268 502 0 0 0
Helmet of GruQikAxx 383 Helmet Rare 0 0 593 177 0
Ring of BokZug 383 Ring Rare 277 493 0 0 0
Rune of PuzDuz 383 Rune Rare 101 0 460 209 0
Shield of ZinKullKran 383 Shield Rare 0 648 0 122 0

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