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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ring of Iris 423 Ring Common 304 246 0 296 0
Rune of Rasthron 423 Rune Rare 330 204 0 316 0
Sacred Blade 423 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Shield of Haros 423 Shield Rare 130 0 470 250 0
Sword of Kashinox 423 Weapon Common 333 0 222 291 0
Warrior Mark Amulet 423 Amulet Unique 310 0 300 246 0
Amulet of Jolthun 422 Amulet Common 300 0 250 284 10
Armor of Hartoros 422 Armor Rare 200 0 408 240 0
Boot of Kerthon 422 Boots Common 230 330 0 284 0
Gloves of Linsaros 422 Gloves Common 345 150 0 349 0
Helmet of Hosash 422 Helmet Rare 244 0 354 250 0
Ring of Tarnos 422 Ring Rare 264 0 309 275 0
Rune of Sortoriz 422 Rune Rare 336 0 200 312 0
Shield of Othinash 422 Shield Rare 234 0 450 164 0
Sword of Koringorn 422 Weapon Common 290 0 160 394 0
Amulet of Rosundor 421 Amulet Rare 270 329 0 250 0
Armor of Lasfor 421 Armor Rare 240 0 319 290 0
Axe of Suthdor 421 Weapon Common 430 0 162 250 0
Boots of Vollason 421 Boots Rare 280 0 374 192 0
Gloves of Terrosdin 421 Gloves Common 332 0 200 300 10
Grofflespine Mace 421 Weapon Unique 400 0 0 452 0
Helmet of Wodkon 421 Helmet Common 150 0 450 242 0
Ring of Oshgill 421 Ring Common 300 0 242 300 0
Rune of Hortinoss 421 Rune Common 310 236 0 300 0
Shield of Izom 421 Shield Rare 200 404 0 242 0

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