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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Sea Eroded Key 427 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Shield of Adroz 427 Shield Rare 188 450 0 220 0
Sword of Uzcoth 427 Weapon Common 300 180 0 374 0
Amulet of Gorvintan 426 Amulet Common 320 0 320 212 0
Armor of Qardoris 426 Armor Common 289 0 300 263 0
Boots of Qasdaros 426 Boots Rare 255 0 350 250 0
Gloves of Vuxdarjin 426 Gloves Rare 265 304 0 287 0
Helmet of Gazkor 426 Helmet Rare 234 350 0 272 0
Ring of Polkin 426 Ring Common 220 432 0 200 0
Rune of Nosskor 426 Rune Common 210 0 350 292 0
Shield of Migthon 426 Shield Common 212 430 0 210 0
Sword of Ezthron 426 Weapon Common 318 0 187 347 0
Amulet of Dasfincor 425 Amulet Common 320 230 0 300 0
Armor of Gedoras 425 Armor Rare 0 0 454 400 0
Boots of Werdoth 425 Boots Rare 225 378 0 251 0
Chumanas Glyph 425 Rune Legendary 290 0 640 0 70
Chumanas Scaled Boots 425 Boots Legendary 280 0 650 0 70
Chumanas Scaled Cuirass 425 Armor Legendary 275 0 655 0 70
Chumanas Scaled Gauntlets 425 Gloves Legendary 280 0 650 0 70
Dark Sea Pearl 425 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
General Bhaltairs Neckpiece 425 Amulet Legendary 630 120 0 140 0
General Bhaltairs Signet Ring 425 Ring Legendary 620 120 0 150 0
Gloves of Zorgorn 425 Gloves Rare 240 0 314 300 0
Helmet of Hardos 425 Helmet Common 235 365 0 250 0
Recipe of Iron Spine Rune 425 Recipe Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 0 0 0 0

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