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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Lithnal the Reds Armor 185 Armor Unique 40 -10 290 40 0
Mortugus Axe 185 Weapon Unique 190 -10 0 200 0
Mortugus Boots 185 Boots Unique 0 164 0 215 0
Mortugus Gloves 185 Gloves Unique 220 145 0 -10 0
Shield of Feghmar 185 Shield Rare 0 325 48 0 0
Zenhars Rune 185 Rune Rare 175 0 0 198 0
Amulet of Tegmarl 184 Amulet Rare 85 118 0 125 43
Armor of Helkar 184 Armor Rare 125 78 0 166 0
Axe of Zrela 184 Weapon Rare 245 0 0 125 0
Boots of Trelka 184 Boots Rare 170 0 200 0 0
Gloves of Renhal 184 Gloves Rare 85 0 195 90 0
Helmet of Fedlak 184 Helmet Common 0 183 0 0 185
Ring of Kzalt 184 Ring Rare 88 0 0 283 0
Rune of Qualin 184 Rune Common 185 0 108 75 0
Shield of Gaddal 184 Shield Common 0 275 93 0 0
Sword of Brale 184 Weapon Unique 270 20 0 80 0
Amulet of Yeltek 183 Amulet Common 75 125 35 76 55
Armor of Venghal 183 Armor Rare 100 0 200 0 68
Axe of Hendrel 183 Weapon Rare 215 0 0 155 0
Gloves of Ponalo 183 Gloves Rare 0 245 124 0 0
Great Boots of Estroal 183 Boots Common 185 75 65 0 41
Helmet of Grongal 183 Helmet Rare -10 188 135 0 56
Ring of Venalen 183 Ring Common 116 0 0 175 75
Ruins Vault Key 183 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Rune of Monola 183 Rune Rare 0 0 154 215 0

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