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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Armor of Gherila 691 Armor Rare 589 0 797 0 0
Disomabs Sword 691 Weapon Rare 997 0 389 0 0
Rune of Pufalg 691 Rune Common 927 0 455 0 0
Amulet of Tareln 690 Amulet Unique 0 500 0 890 0
Axe of Jishall 690 Weapon Common 0 425 0 955 0
Boots of Suvual 690 Boots Common 385 0 995 0 0
Lagarto Axe 690 Weapon Unique 685 0 0 705 0
Lagarto Helmet 690 Helmet Unique 0 925 0 465 0
Lagarto Rune 690 Rune Unique 0 975 0 415 0
Maias Boots 690 Boots Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 682 0 0 898 0
Maias Gloves 690 Gloves Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 632 0 0 948 0
Rune of Maedale 690 Rune Rare 515 854 0 0 15
Shield of Mattel 690 Shield Common 0 0 945 435 0
Bradreks Gauntlets 689 Gloves Common 0 0 525 853 0
Rune of Terminual 689 Rune Rare 0 778 0 604 0
Shield of Thrumbal 689 Shield Common 0 475 0 903 0
Suit of Jiguar 689 Armor Common 0 885 0 493 0
Amulet of Ashwesk 688 Amulet Common 0 431 0 945 0
Armor of Aelra 688 Armor Rare 495 0 885 0 0
Boots of Maelstral 688 Boots Unique 461 925 0 0 0
Hammer of Madrokh 688 Weapon Common 0 415 0 961 0
Helmet of Regimall 688 Helmet Common 395 0 981 0 0
Rune of Fantaal 688 Rune Rare 0 987 0 393 0
Armor of Nuthaal 687 Armor Common 0 945 0 429 0
Gloves of Longgal 687 Gloves Rare 0 0 539 839 0

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