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[ Page: First . . 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 . . Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of Yelsi 165 Shield Common 0 285 45 0 0
Alforged Halberd 164 Weapon Rare 25 0 0 303 0
Amulet of Fegea 164 Amulet Rare 125 0 0 0 203
Armor of Techal 164 Armor Common -10 0 338 0 0
Boots of Fengrath 164 Boots Common -10 138 200 0 0
Gloves of Reigal 164 Gloves Rare 5 0 300 5 0
Great Ring of Fellan 164 Ring Rare 0 283 5 35 5
Helmet of Reigmal 164 Helmet Unique 45 0 125 140 0
Helmet of Zhek 164 Helmet Rare 0 128 135 0 65
Luma Boots 164 Boots Unique 100 0 55 155 0
Rune of Religem 164 Rune Rare 0 100 170 0 0
Shield of Garibor 164 Shield Rare 0 250 55 0 0
Amulet of Peral 163 Amulet Common 75 125 0 126 0
Armor of Helgeh 163 Armor Rare 0 65 245 0 0
Boots of Panek 163 Boots Common 35 216 75 0 0
Gloves of Sagregon 163 Gloves Rare 31 0 195 90 10
Halberd of Light 163 Weapon Common 85 0 0 241 0
Helmet of Gorlash 163 Helmet Rare 0 65 261 0 0
Ring of Ghelst 163 Ring Common 85 0 0 241 0
Rune of Undal 163 Rune Rare 90 0 246 -10 0
Shield of Ghalgorn 163 Shield Rare 0 85 200 0 41
Amulet of Marck 162 Amulet Rare 75 0 225 0 0
Armor of Feffea 162 Armor Rare -15 300 0 0 40
Gloves of Zagerath 162 Gloves Rare 0 224 0 100 0
Great Boots of Weir 162 Boots Rare 0 134 140 -10 60

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