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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Lord Huistrel Amulet 780 Amulet Unique 0 895 0 675 0
Armor of Shonia 560 Armor Rare 125 325 0 674 0
Blade of Homthar 578 Weapon Rare 283 0 203 674 0
Dagger of Tradonoma 449 Weapon Rare 228 0 0 674 0
Amulet of Versioa 824 Amulet Common 0 0 975 673 0
Helmet of Darsan 1403 Helmet Common 905 0 1230 671 0
Armor of Icrayl 1085 Armor Common 0 1500 0 670 0
Crushing Fist Gauntlets 390 Gloves Unique 98 0 0 670 0
Di Xias Nunchaku 540 Weapon Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 365 105 0 670 0
Flamebreath Amulet 770 Amulet Unique 0 880 0 670 0
Gloves of Kimwat 558 Gloves Rare 260 0 186 670 0
Rune of Hargrin 557 Rune Rare 220 0 224 670 0
Terracotta Guard Spear 555 Weapon Rare 344 0 104 670 0
Tork Iron Armor 1320 Armor Unique 0 0 1630 670 370
Shield of Defalk 940 Shield Rare 0 0 1215 669 0
Spear of Joaab 677 Weapon Common 0 685 0 669 0
Ring of Jaghz 1133 Ring Common 0 0 1600 666 0
Argus Eye Rune 400 Rune Legendary 175 0 0 665 0
Tribal Sandals 875 Boots Legendary 1235 0 0 665 0
Boots of Dealke 982 Boots Common 0 1300 0 664 0
Helmet of Foragg 1131 Helmet Common 0 1600 0 662 0
Avatar of Glykek Helmet 1080 Helmet Unique 0 1500 0 660 0
Captain Blackrot Ring 940 Ring Unique 385 0 845 660 0
Elemental Zephyr Shield 900 Shield Epic 0 0 1540 660 0
Qana Wyvern Edge 480 Weapon Unique 300 0 0 660 10

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