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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Quoothian Amulet 1471 Amulet Common 1177 0 0 1765 0
Grips of the Devourer 1470 Gloves Unique 1180 0 0 1770 0
Shield of the Devourer 1470 Shield Unique 1160 0 0 1790 0
Kendoth Rune 1469 Rune Common 1176 1762 0 0 0
Temaniths Breastplate 1469 Armor Common 0 0 1762 0 1176
Dagger of the Hag Queen 1467 Weapon Rare 0 0 1177 0 1765
Harathons Sword 1467 Weapon Common 1174 0 0 1760 0
Hat of the Hag Queen 1467 Helmet Rare 0 0 1177 0 1765
Ultaines Ring 1467 Ring Common 1760 0 0 1174 0
Senathors Helm 1465 Helmet Common 0 0 1758 0 1172
Wendors Gauntlets 1465 Gloves Common 1172 1758 0 0 0
Eroths Buckler 1463 Shield Common 0 0 1171 0 1755
Quentors Choker 1463 Amulet Common 1755 0 1171 0 0
Dark Venison Haunch 1462 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Dark Venison Loin 1462 Component Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Dark Venison Steak 1462 Component Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Horned King Helm 1462 Helmet Rare 1799 0 0 1133 0
Horned King Shield 1462 Shield Rare 1759 0 0 1173 0
List of Meat Provisions 1462 Recipe Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Meat Provisions 1462 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Frenthors Cuirass 1461 Armor Common 0 1753 1169 0 0
Jothers Boots 1461 Boots Common 1169 0 0 1753 0
Kummars Fiery Buckler 1460 Shield Unique 572 0 0 2358 0
Kummars Fiery Treads 1460 Boots Unique 552 0 0 2378 0
Recipe of Rune of Kummi Freezing 1460 Recipe Unique 0 0 0 0 0

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