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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rion's Boots 4000 Boots Super Elite 0 0 100 100 0
Rion's Ring 4000 Ring Super Elite 0 0 100 100 0
Noura's Diamond Ring 3988 Ring Super Elite 30 0 0 30 0
Noura's Emerald Necklace 3988 Amulet Super Elite 30 0 0 30 0
Noura's Hooded Robe 3988 Armor Super Elite 30 0 0 30 0
Skeletal Mariner Armor 3980 Armor Rare 0 0 3187 0 4781
Skeletal Mariner Weapon 3980 Weapon Rare 0 0 3237 0 4731
Breastplate of Boranoth 3976 Armor Common 5566 0 0 2386 0
Desiccated Kraken Amulet 3975 Amulet Unique 0 4776 3184 0 0
Desiccated Kraken Rune 3975 Rune Unique 0 4726 3234 0 0
Sanitarium Scribe 3969 Weapon Legendary 5662 0 0 2426 0
Sanitarium Threads 3969 Armor Legendary 5612 0 0 2476 0
Hornbuck Boots 3962 Boots Rare 3173 0 0 4759 0
Hornbuck Gauntlets 3962 Gloves Rare 3173 0 0 4759 0
Jangaraths Helm 3951 Helmet Common 0 3161 4741 0 0
Exteminator Ring 3950 Ring Unique 0 5487 2423 0 0
Exteminator Shield 3950 Shield Unique 0 5537 2373 0 0
Recipe of Hermanus Helm 3950 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Recipe of Hermanus Shield 3950 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Recipe of Zorgrom Summoners Crown 3950 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Recipe of Zorgrom Summoners Robe 3950 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Orc Crooked Spear 3939 Weapon Rare 2366 0 0 5520 0
Orc Pockmarked Cuirass 3939 Armor Rare 2416 0 0 5470 0
Mallet of Mangarath 3926 Weapon Common 5496 0 0 2356 0
Drow Vore Helm 3925 Helmet Unique 0 0 2358 0 5502

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