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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Britt's Torn Cloth 5300 Component Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Famine Chomper Amulet 5300 Amulet Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 4350 6400 0 0 0
Famine Chomper Shield 5300 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 4300 6450 0 0 0
Flaming Pudding Pressie 5300 Rune Legendary 0 7475 0 3275 0
Flaming Pudding Punchers 5300 Gloves Legendary 0 7525 0 3225 0
Lord Thadens Axe 5300 Weapon Unique 3183 0 0 7427 0
Lord Thadens Shield 5300 Shield Unique 3233 0 0 7377 0
Ifrit Flame Choker 5281 Amulet Rare 7349 0 0 3221 0
Ifrit Flame Signet 5281 Ring Rare 7399 0 0 3171 0
Jornoths Helm 5276 Helmet Common 3166 7386 0 0 0
Brood Carapace 5275 Armor Unique 3168 0 0 7392 0
Brood Signet 5275 Ring Unique 3168 0 0 7392 0
Dark Moon Periapt 5275 Amulet Legendary 3210 0 0 7490 0
Dark Moon Trinket 5275 Rune Legendary 3210 0 0 7490 0
Haunters Hammer 5259 Weapon Rare 7368 0 3158 0 0
Haunters Helm 5259 Helmet Rare 7318 0 3208 0 0
Mojizas Dagger 5251 Weapon Common 0 0 6301 0 4201
Hypeezle Brood Blade 5250 Weapon Unique 7357 0 0 3153 0
Hypeezle Brood Rune 5250 Rune Unique 7307 0 0 3203 0
Recipe of Yaotl's Axe 5250 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Recipe of Yaotl's Cuirass 5250 Recipe Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Runic Wishbone 5250 Rune Epic 0 12420 0 8280 0
Yaotl's Axe 5250 Weapon Legendary 3195 0 7455 0 0
Yaotl's Cuirass 5250 Armor Legendary 3245 0 7405 0 0
Tree Bark Gloves 5244 Gloves Rare 0 7347 3149 0 0

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