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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gloves of Frelda 581 Gloves Common 877 0 285 0 0
Highrea Helmet 581 Helmet Common 0 877 285 0 0
Rune of Cralze 581 Rune Common 0 250 0 912 0
Blade of Knowledge 580 Weapon Unique 450 0 0 720 0
Boots of Marlok 580 Boots Rare 230 0 674 260 0
Gloves of Koytrin 580 Gloves Common 220 670 0 270 0
Helmet of Jithtor 580 Helmet Common 230 0 350 580 0
Jai Ton Eye 580 Rune Unique 270 300 0 600 0
Jai Ton Gauntlets 580 Gloves Unique 600 270 0 300 0
Jai Ton Helm 580 Helmet Unique 250 650 0 270 0
Jai Ton Scale 580 Armor Unique 220 630 0 320 0
Ring of Tuth 580 Ring Rare 233 0 577 354 0
Sword Samyoll 580 Weapon Rare 464 0 150 550 0
Amulet of Glothim 579 Amulet Common 178 200 0 780 0
Armor of Cortia 579 Armor Rare 120 804 0 238 0
Recipe of the Wolf Claw 579 Recipe Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Rune of Baledorn 579 Rune Common 200 0 744 214 0
Shield of Carenvol 579 Shield Rare 234 674 0 254 0
Temple Wolf Eye 579 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Temple Wolf Paw 579 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Wolf Claw 579 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Blade of Homthar 578 Weapon Rare 283 0 203 674 0
Boots of Abknar 578 Boots Rare 153 283 0 724 0
Gloves of Zolk 578 Gloves Common 600 300 0 256 0
Hanu Blade 578 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0

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