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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gloves of Roavin 570 Gloves Common 200 0 622 318 0
Helmet of Luth 570 Helmet Rare 232 0 641 271 0
Qan Shrar Green Treads 570 Boots Unique 300 0 400 450 0
Qan Shrar Raking Talons 570 Weapon Unique 200 0 150 800 0
Qan Shrar Scale Shield 570 Shield Unique 250 0 500 400 0
Qan Shrar Terror Helm 570 Helmet Unique 50 0 750 350 0
Ring of Molk 570 Ring Rare 250 0 530 364 0
Shield of Maursan 570 Shield Rare 142 302 0 700 0
Temple Claw Flail 570 Weapon Unique 300 0 200 650 0
Armor of Kellie 569 Armor Rare 208 0 230 704 0
Gloves of Takah 569 Gloves Common 310 0 313 500 15
Helmet of Krum 569 Helmet Rare 200 640 0 302 0
Ring of Samshi 569 Ring Common 223 300 0 600 15
Rune of Tuthar 569 Rune Rare 701 201 0 240 0
Saber of Zartho 569 Weapon Rare 401 201 0 540 0
Shield of Nithsil 569 Shield Common 140 0 710 288 0
Amulet of Harron 568 Amulet Rare 206 530 0 400 0
Armor of Soi 568 Armor Rare 654 0 354 132 0
Boots of Wok 568 Boots Rare 240 0 600 300 0
Gloves of Vilvah 568 Gloves Common 206 710 0 220 0
Ring of Antore 568 Ring Common 633 250 0 238 15
Rune of Charin 568 Rune Common 316 600 0 220 0
Shield of Joath 568 Shield Rare 550 400 0 190 0
Bone Demon Claws 567 Quest Item Common 0 0 0 0 0
Dwarf Explorers Axe 567 Weapon Unique 300 0 94 750 0

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