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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gloves of Gorlox 450 Gloves Rare 252 0 490 162 0
Gorgeanaka Skin Shoes 450 Boots Epic 314 786 0 0 0
Heartless Amulet 450 Amulet Legendary 0 0 315 735 0
Heartless Hat 450 Helmet Legendary 0 0 365 685 0
Helmet of Elgora 450 Helmet Rare 292 382 0 230 0
Kreth Boots of Eternity 450 Boots Unique 200 450 0 260 0
Kreth Mark of Unlife 450 Amulet Unique 380 0 0 500 10
Kreth Ring of the Shroud 450 Ring Unique 100 100 0 500 10
Kreth Robes of the Shroud 450 Armor Unique 250 150 0 510 0
Kreth Ward of Pain 450 Shield Unique 100 700 0 0 15
Kreths Emblem of GorGulGol 450 Rune Unique 150 250 0 250 15
Kreths Grasping Fingers 450 Gloves Unique 300 500 0 0 15
Kreths Life Eater 450 Weapon Unique 200 0 0 710 0
Kreths Visage 450 Helmet Unique 200 710 0 0 0
Longblade of Harpi 450 Weapon Rare 204 0 304 396 0
Machakw Horned Helmet 450 Helmet Legendary 0 0 735 0 315
Machakw Horned Rune 450 Rune Legendary 0 0 685 0 365
Pulsing Heart Armor 450 Armor Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 110 0 630 310 0
Recipe of Granny Jezes Sweater 450 Recipe Epic 0 0 0 0 0
Ring of Direklon 450 Ring Rare 323 0 365 216 0
Ring of Nasdon 450 Ring Rare 200 0 300 408 0
Rune of Oscaros 450 Rune Rare 104 344 0 454 0
Shield of Mattagor 450 Shield Rare 313 415 0 176 0
Amulet of Fewurst 449 Amulet Common 310 0 422 166 0
Armor of Dragorus 449 Armor Rare 242 0 448 212 0

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