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[ Page: First . . 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 . . Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Colossus Granite Ring 440 Ring Unique 270 0 620 0 0
Colossus Sea Stone Boots 440 Boots Unique 200 0 350 340 0
Gloves of Shawdaz 440 Gloves Common 250 400 0 230 0
Helmet of Utholl 440 Helmet Rare 155 438 0 280 11
Longsword of Jasmar 440 Weapon Rare 364 0 120 404 0
Manacle Key 440 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Ring of Soglos 440 Ring Common 260 400 0 220 0
Rune of Qinsar 440 Rune Rare 128 0 375 385 0
Shield of Ishdron 440 Shield Rare 160 0 478 250 0
Sthenos Slither Boots 440 Boots Unique 110 100 0 680 0
Sthenos Snake Fang Gloves 440 Gloves Unique 230 100 0 560 0
Sthenos Snake Mane Helm 440 Helmet Unique 200 450 0 232 0
Sthenos Snake Scale Mail 440 Armor Unique 110 670 0 110 0
Sthenos Snake Strike Blade 440 Weapon Unique 500 100 0 290 0
Amulet of Azkor 439 Amulet Unique 400 0 218 270 0
Armor of Raasor 439 Armor Rare 0 604 0 278 0
Boots of Zormat 439 Boots Common 350 400 0 128 0
Dagger of Hazdrin 439 Weapon Rare 404 100 0 378 0
Gloves of Tasgith 439 Gloves Common 0 500 0 378 0
Helmet of Qawresh 439 Helmet Rare 302 404 0 176 0
Ring of Rakar 439 Ring Common 305 0 305 268 0
Rune of Ronmor 439 Rune Unique 350 360 0 178 0
Shield of Windorgris 439 Shield Common 130 510 0 238 0
Amulet of Rasdorsol 438 Amulet Rare 236 304 0 340 0
Armor of Sataw 438 Armor Rare 200 514 0 166 0

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