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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Stone Remains 434 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Sword of Mattdon 434 Weapon Rare 402 0 0 470 0
Bosun Bandana 433 Helmet Rare 150 0 526 200 0
Bosun Saber 433 Weapon Rare 470 0 106 300 0
Pirate Queens Bodice 433 Armor Unique 250 0 400 226 0
Pirate Queens Boots 433 Boots Unique 238 0 300 238 0
Pirate Queens Cutlass 433 Weapon Unique 300 0 0 576 0
Pirate Queens Diamond 433 Rune Unique 260 0 366 250 0
Pirate Queens Hat 433 Helmet Unique 260 0 366 250 0
Ring of Jarden 433 Ring Common 100 466 0 0 300
Rune of Pasina 433 Rune Common 500 200 0 166 0
Amulet of Lothon 432 Amulet Rare 210 304 0 360 0
Armor of Kedugon 432 Armor Rare 259 600 0 0 15
Boots of Yosh 432 Boots Rare 300 450 0 124 0
Flintlock Pistol 432 Weapon Rare 400 0 75 400 0
Shield of Katie 432 Shield Rare 250 0 460 164 0
Armor of Jordort 431 Armor Rare 262 360 0 250 0
Gloves of Runson 431 Gloves Rare 310 0 400 162 0
Helmet of Igguth 431 Helmet Rare 205 462 0 205 0
Ring of Irifoth 431 Ring Rare 359 270 0 228 15
Rune of Zandin 431 Rune Rare 300 0 300 272 0
Abners Breastplate 430 Armor Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 424 0 636 0 0
Abners Gauntlets 430 Gloves Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 424 0 636 0 0
Amulet of Esconin 430 Amulet Common 400 200 0 260 0
Armor of Essginoth 430 Armor Common 210 0 410 240 0

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