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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Flail of Dromtain 397 Weapon Common 244 0 0 550 0
Gloves of Touphos 397 Gloves Rare 147 397 0 254 0
Helmet of Tholoman 397 Helmet Rare 177 0 520 101 0
Ring of Arzmil 397 Ring Rare 0 187 0 611 0
Rune of Xoltkan 397 Rune Rare 0 237 0 546 15
Seal of Judgement 397 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Shield of Garon 397 Shield Common 300 400 0 94 0
Amulet of Derishna 396 Amulet Rare 244 0 226 326 0
Armor of Omatanos 396 Armor Rare 144 0 532 120 0
Boots of Cherim 396 Boots Rare 311 0 485 0 0
Gloves of Sentipor 396 Gloves Rare 333 241 0 222 0
Helmet of Alnahari 396 Helmet Rare 200 0 596 0 0
Ring of Rosnaryn 396 Ring Rare 0 0 258 532 10
Rune of Zeradreist 396 Rune Rare 177 623 0 0 0
Shield of Kordim 396 Shield Rare 223 0 360 210 7
Sword of Zolthintari 396 Weapon Rare 663 0 0 137 0
Amulet of Xoldor 395 Amulet Rare 0 495 0 299 0
Armor of Mharhi 395 Armor Rare 0 661 0 133 0
Boots of Thellkram 395 Boots Common 244 424 0 122 0
Flail of Ararhule 395 Weapon Rare 492 100 0 202 0
Gloves of Drenarl 395 Gloves Common 180 0 290 320 0
Helmet of Olorhu 395 Helmet Common 88 0 609 93 0
Ring of Mordoltye 395 Ring Common 344 0 0 446 0
Rune of Zomthranti 395 Rune Common 200 0 0 590 0
Shield Midlandor 395 Shield Rare 234 0 459 101 0

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