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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Elindals Shield 178 Shield Common 0 46 310 0 0
Gloves of Talimark 178 Gloves Rare 35 185 35 101 0
Great Amulet of Fegrel 178 Amulet Common 356 0 0 0 0
Helmet of Relghal 178 Helmet Rare 0 300 56 0 0
Ring of Palecross 178 Ring Common 75 0 0 281 0
Rune of Jungal 178 Rune Rare 0 125 0 196 35
Amulet of Wrogal 177 Amulet Common 145 0 0 209 0
Armor of Ferilor 177 Armor Common 0 109 200 0 45
Boots of Krelka 177 Boots Rare 45 109 200 0 0
Gloves of Heigmast 177 Gloves Common 85 35 185 49 0
Greater Polearm of Ryala 177 Weapon Rare 169 0 -15 200 0
Helmet of Grela 177 Helmet Rare -10 275 89 0 0
Izorn Stone 177 Rune Unique 80 80 0 200 0
Ring of Reckal 177 Ring Rare 85 0 0 269 0
Rune of Grelsi 177 Rune Rare 150 25 55 125 0
Shield of Teralk 177 Shield Rare 0 100 254 0 0
Tomb Vase 177 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Amulet of Felagor 176 Amulet Rare 45 242 65 0 0
Armor of Fevlore 176 Armor Common 0 125 225 -10 12
Boots of Greatmar 176 Boots Rare -10 85 287 -10 0
Gloves of Yelaa 176 Gloves Rare 45 245 62 0 0
Great Rune of Jadhal 176 Rune Common 45 117 45 45 100
Halberd of Terla 176 Weapon Rare 150 0 0 202 0
Helmet of Ghalst 176 Helmet Rare -10 277 85 0 0
Ring of Gheldmar 176 Ring Rare 125 0 0 227 0

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