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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of Ghabst 176 Shield Rare 0 125 227 0 0
Amulet of Derlas 175 Amulet Rare 85 0 -10 275 0
Armor of Felharst 175 Armor Rare 0 185 0 165 0
Axe of Reyala 175 Weapon Rare 85 0 0 265 0
Banshee Armor 175 Armor Legendary 0 0 390 0 0
Banshee Blade 175 Weapon Legendary 140 0 70 180 0
Banshee Boots 175 Boots Legendary 90 0 100 200 0
Banshee Helm 175 Helmet Legendary 110 0 100 180 0
Boots of Moralita 175 Boots Rare 0 185 80 0 85
Gloves of Dark Abel 175 Gloves Rare 0 75 275 0 0
Helmet of Khoral 175 Helmet Rare 0 350 0 0 0
Hoondals Ring 175 Ring Rare 245 0 0 105 0
Marpolo Armor 175 Armor Unique 95 0 0 265 0
Marpolo Gloves 175 Gloves Unique 295 0 0 65 0
Marpolo Helmet 175 Helmet Unique 250 0 0 110 0
Recipe of Green Spine Axe 175 Recipe Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 0 0 0 0
Recipe of Green Spine Shield 175 Recipe Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 0 0 0 0
Rune of Decimation 175 Rune Rare 150 0 0 200 0
Shield of Gedmount 175 Shield Rare 0 245 20 0 85
Amulet of Langel 174 Amulet Common 125 178 45 0 0
Armor of Felghal 174 Armor Common 60 265 0 0 23
Axe of Brettal 174 Weapon Rare 0 -15 0 373 0
Balloon Material 174 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Boots of Pelacroz 174 Boots Common 48 0 0 300 0
Cleaver of Alzarn 174 Weapon Unique 75 0 0 300 0

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