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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Lenthar Pike 96 Weapon Rare 45 55 0 92 0
Ring of Olasor 96 Ring Common 0 95 97 0 0
Rune of Aelsar 96 Rune Common 45 75 35 25 12
Shield of Amola 96 Shield Common 0 177 15 0 0
Woad Helmet 96 Helmet Rare 0 100 92 0 0
Amulet of Cean 95 Amulet Common 45 85 15 45 0
Amulet of Togren 95 Amulet Unique 30 50 0 75 0
Armor of Llavor 95 Armor Common 0 115 75 0 0
Blade of Togren 95 Weapon Unique 60 0 0 60 0
Boots of Halthor 95 Boots Common 0 75 65 50 0
Boots of Togren 95 Boots Unique 30 30 0 30 25
Helmet of Durgon 95 Helmet Rare 0 100 90 0 0
Lichar Frozen Blade 95 Weapon Rare 85 0 0 105 0
Penalore Shield 95 Shield Common 0 125 65 0 0
Ring of Yuzhan 95 Ring Common 125 0 0 65 0
Rune of Eridal 95 Rune Rare 120 15 35 20 0
Scintillating Gem Amulet 95 Amulet Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 168 0 65 47 0
Shield of Togren 95 Shield Unique 55 90 0 0 0
Stealth Gloves of Imano 95 Gloves Rare 0 95 95 0 0
Amulet of Jalwak 94 Amulet Common 45 65 33 45 0
Armor of Ghemmar 94 Armor Common -5 96 97 0 0
Boots of Fenloa 94 Boots Common 0 93 95 0 0
Gloves of Sechran 94 Gloves Common 75 45 68 0 0
Razoral Blade 94 Weapon Common 45 0 0 143 0
Ring of Talcast 94 Ring Common 0 75 113 0 0

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