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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Blade of Noskanti 399 Weapon Common 499 0 0 299 0
Boots of Thejak 399 Boots Rare 0 548 0 254 0
Crown of Power 399 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Dazmorr Amulet 399 Amulet Unique 0 0 0 798 0
Dazmorr Armor 399 Armor Unique 450 0 250 0 0
Dazmorr Helmet 399 Helmet Unique 450 0 0 304 0
Gloves of Baugh 399 Gloves Rare 302 0 500 0 0
Helmet of Gilonid 399 Helmet Common 125 548 0 125 0
Icon of Xinderoth 399 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Ring of Neraltor 399 Ring Common 388 0 0 410 0
Rune of Olumrak 399 Rune Common 0 655 0 143 0
Shield of Lorvindos 399 Shield Common 300 308 0 190 0
Amulet of Hordarjin 398 Amulet Rare 403 0 280 117 0
Armor of Bosrianti 398 Armor Rare 200 600 0 0 0
Axe of Hygar 398 Weapon Rare 337 0 0 463 0
Boots of Verilnar 398 Boots Rare 226 463 0 111 0
Gloves of Heantor 398 Gloves Rare 244 0 556 0 0
Helmet of Iymllik 398 Helmet Rare 101 684 0 0 15
Ring of Dironul 398 Ring Rare 237 247 0 316 0
Rune of Dellinwind 398 Rune Rare 348 0 0 452 0
Shield of Rindor 398 Shield Rare 200 0 454 146 0
Widows Keepsake 398 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Amulet of Nektoryl 397 Amulet Common 100 561 0 133 0
Armor of Heishu 397 Armor Common 136 658 0 0 0
Boots of Zerish 397 Boots Common 133 0 417 244 0

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