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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Fae Lord Ortanda (Elite) Magical 1650 75423 1485 1485 128319 41580
Nolhoggr the Black (Dragon LE) Dragon 1650 7220 10996 11585 6547 50890
Rawneth Odonta Rider Mounted 1650 40262 472 472 24496 13216
Zorgrom Back Stabba (Legendary) Greenskin 1650 15889 363 363 33983 10178
Rawneth Venom Ivy Plant 1651 21120 839 472 24795 66119
Rawneth Grove Warden Magical 1652 5783 39347 472 1652 66158
Quindaneth Barkhide Treeman Plant 1653 5649 472 38491 2669 66198
Incendia Treeman (Champion) Magical 1654 6564 52451 643 4692 90093
Quindaneth Incendia Treeman Human 1654 7325 15117 14685 10183 66237
Quindaneth Bodach Human 1655 4845 37885 473 4135 66276
Quindaneth Phosaur Reptile 1656 32375 473 473 32613 13263
Quindaneth Carnosaur Reptile 1657 21741 577 473 24602 66354
Quindaneth Ankylosaurus Reptile 1658 6827 474 40275 350 66394
Quindaneth Rekladon Reptile 1659 10974 11318 11827 13331 66433
Doomsaur (Champion) Undead 1660 9228 52696 645 2009 90412
Quindaneth Doomsaur Undead 1660 8714 14936 15109 8719 66472
Quindaneth Stegosaurus Reptile 1661 6705 38046 475 2281 66511
Quindaneth Strikosaurus Reptile 1662 23456 475 475 41762 13310
Quindaneth Allosaurus Reptile 1663 20617 864 475 25606 66590
Quindaneth Raptor Reptile 1664 5422 475 38179 3514 66629
Quindaneth Brachiosaurus Reptile 1665 11847 11550 11678 12544 66668
Quindaneth Dinosauroid Reptile 1666 8164 15079 14854 9549 66707
Quindaneth Dinosauroid (Champion) Reptile 1666 6765 648 54613 2780 90731
Quindaneth Dinosauroid Bezerker Reptile 1667 6387 39675 476 1136 66746
Quindaneth Pterosaur Reptile 1668 26368 477 477 39080 13358

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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