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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Goroloth Gorger Greenskin 3420 10903 967 81384 3504 135464
Goroloth Dark Creeper Plant 3421 22694 23596 22399 28096 135503
Goroloth Gem Golem Golem 3422 15834 30860 29416 20705 135542
Goroloth Winged Hellion Avian 3423 10895 81056 968 3923 135582
Goroloth Prison Guard Human 3424 89677 968 968 43231 27125
Alpac (Legendary) Magical 3425 9193 63631 776 3998 108640
Chomper of Gluttony (Legendary) Beast 3425 15130 24612 24758 13098 108640
Goroloth Tower Guard Human 3425 43141 1195 969 51593 135660
Goroloth Tower Lord (Elite) Human 3425 32288 3082 255167 17710 431550
Goroloth Dungeon Grim Undead 3426 14653 30643 29754 21877 135699
Goroloth Flesh Construct Human 3427 12627 77768 969 5590 135738
Goroloth Vrykolakas Undead 3428 79624 969 969 53438 27156
Goroloth Red Goo Cube Magical 3429 44866 2505 970 48669 135817
Goroloth Succubus Demon 3430 9775 970 78588 7705 135856
Goroloth Banshee of Misery Undead 3431 24104 23573 23593 25796 135895
Goroloth Banshee of Misery (Champion) Undead 3431 31951 31490 32732 35702 184629
Goroloth Ectoplasmic Horror Undead 3432 17674 30522 29779 19120 135934
Goroloth Great Horned Satyr Beast 3433 14152 77718 971 4281 135974
Karndorite Skorpinok Guard Beast 3434 44183 971 971 89109 27203
Karndorite Skorpinok Overseer Beast 3435 46498 1935 971 47774 136052
Karndorite Skorpinok Soldier Beast 3436 14383 972 78939 2913 136091
Karndorite Giant Scorpion Loader Beast 3437 22877 23235 24024 27099 136130
Karndorite Skorpinok Brute Beast 3438 16276 29268 29930 21789 136170
Onarath Skorpinok Enslaver Beast 3439 9756 82605 972 3957 136209
Onarath Scarab Beast 3440 62669 973 973 70854 27250

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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