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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Arathir Skeletal Ice Mage Undead 2039 11032 18437 17502 11119 81329
Arathir Skeletal Warrior Undead 2040 6100 47441 581 3996 81368
Clan Arathir Juggernaut Golem 2041 36680 581 581 43098 16282
Clan Arathir Juggernaut (Champion) Golem 2041 45768 790 790 62699 22137
Arathir Wolverine Beast 2042 27191 1041 581 29361 81446
Arathir Sasquatch Beast 2043 6526 582 47490 3604 81486
Arathir Snow Squonk Beast 2044 14344 13855 14431 15599 81525
Kantariss Ice Hawk Avian 2045 11001 18242 18187 10828 81564
Kantariss Snow Sheep Beast 2046 7524 49342 582 838 81603
Kantariss Brave Human 2047 55034 583 583 24975 16329
Kantariss Dol Warrior Undead 2048 25294 598 583 31867 81682
Kantariss Dol Wight Undead 2049 8058 583 47368 2361 81721
Kantariss Dol Wight (Champion) Undead 2049 8183 793 66756 3628 111107
Enchanted Flock of Crows Avian 2050 25855 1671 584 30288 81760
Goranoth the Ice Giant (Elite) Undead 2050 114047 1845 1845 139086 51660
Kantariss Drift Spirit Undead 2050 13726 14232 13726 16714 81760
Murderous Twins (Elite) Human 2050 100530 1845 1845 152603 51660
Psellio the Helleater (Legendary) Demon 2050 8114 14889 14595 9750 66290
The Tainted One (Legendary) Human 2050 33991 495 495 33991 13874
Neslir Wolf Canine 2051 25140 965 584 31737 81799
Neslir Dark Scout Elf 2052 26128 1737 584 30006 81838
Neslir Ashspawn Beast 2053 27237 1580 584 29080 81878
Neslir Hunter Elf 2054 25503 1414 585 31009 81917
Neslir Wyvern Dragon 2055 27627 1345 585 28981 81956
Neslir Nightmare Mounted 2056 26897 1400 585 29684 81995

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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