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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Grofflesnout Shark Aquatic 430 2293 2955 2214 1162 8625
The Experiment (Legendary) Vermin 430 4487 270 95 4656 9510
Pirate Strongman Human 431 1880 1093 1219 4451 8645
Pirate Bosun Human 432 2473 1557 1834 2799 10398
Gobbler Aquatic 433 2309 1077 1155 4142 8685
Pirate Bosun (Champion) Human 433 3518 1351 1441 6754 13065
Pirate Queen Blackbury (Elite) Human 433 12473 3806 3086 8778 28145
Hydrorion Plesiosaur Aquatic 434 1987 1229 937 4550 8705
Tower of Petrification Magical 435 1709 1785 2063 3166 8725
Petrified Warrior Golem 436 1508 1372 1907 3955 8745
Petrified Warrior (Champion) Golem 436 2646 2430 5825 2251 15786
Petrified Hero Golem 437 2113 1835 1851 2964 10518
Gorgon Beast 438 2206 1108 1163 4306 8785
Gorgon Isle Basilisk Reptile 439 2328 1993 3009 1473 10566
Rock Colossus Golem 440 1829 3581 1646 1767 8825
Rock Colossus (Champion) Golem 440 3860 3931 3179 2303 13275
Stheno (Elite) Beast 440 9624 3508 3314 12152 28600
Kreth Coleoptera Grub (Game) Vermin 441 2542 1205 917 4179 8845
Kreth Slime Vermin 441 2847 1225 971 3800 8845
Kreth Cave Crawler Vermin 442 2590 1337 2444 2492 10638
Kreth Creeper Vermin 443 2263 3065 2375 1180 8885
Kreth Creeper (Champion) Vermin 443 3788 3234 4613 1727 13365
Kreth Puff Mushrooms Vermin 444 1542 2368 2002 2990 8905
Kreth Coleoptera Vermin 445 2145 1948 2528 2303 10710
Kreth Two-Headed Mamba Reptile 446 1643 2545 3030 1724 8945

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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