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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Greenvale Housemaid Demon 1575 9876 9479 9251 11566 48210
Squirming Armor Magical 1576 5075 402 25734 8987 48240
Weaver Apparition Undead 1577 19234 841 402 19747 48270
Weaver Idol (Champion) Golem 1577 6547 532 34344 11817 63889
Nightmarish Manifestation Demon 1578 5537 26370 402 7939 48300
Devotee of the Holder Demon 1579 17683 445 402 21743 48330
Chanter of Verse (Elite) Demon 1580 15147 85292 1264 24696 151680
Emptied Servant Demon 1580 9929 10061 9796 10512 48360
Twisted Emanation (Champion) Demon 1580 7257 533 34469 11079 64008
Hollow Spirit Undead 1581 9468 9746 10073 11036 48390
Carnivorous Clam Demon 1582 5500 403 27268 7176 48420
Foetid Sand Demon 1583 17924 1200 403 20846 48450
Stillwater Fisherman Aquatic 1584 9982 9950 9507 10960 48480
Harvester (Champion) Demon 1585 5970 36531 535 10467 64206
Stillwater Eel Demon 1585 17928 937 404 21154 48510
Gluttonous Wanderer Undead 1586 7515 12321 12314 8298 48540
Fleshling Demon 1587 17521 698 404 21850 48570
Foul Greenfin (Champion) Demon 1588 6888 536 35223 10955 64325
Slithering Fiend Demon 1588 9404 10113 10005 10976 48600
Discordant Miasma Undead 1589 17638 644 405 21837 48630
Cursed Seadog (Champion) Undead 1590 12639 13334 12881 14813 64404
Keeper of the Forbidden (Elite) Demon 1590 56330 1535 1272 68061 152640
Weaver Hulk Demon 1590 4397 405 26977 8769 48660
Distended Arkronthorp Demon 1591 4476 405 26795 8896 48690
Bound Siren Demon 1592 9722 9489 9653 11734 48720

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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