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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Kelran Hog Hound Canine 2908 73384 824 824 39702 23079
Kelran Grassland Raptor Reptile 2909 36834 1578 824 43214 115433
Kelran Spine Grofflesnout Greenskin 2910 9861 824 68604 3188 115472
Kelran Grofflesnout Brute (Champion) Greenskin 2911 27011 27036 26545 31525 156965
Kelran Warped Grofflesnout Greenskin 2911 19706 19570 19997 23233 115511
Kelran Sky Elemental Magical 2912 12812 26294 26209 17219 115550
Kelran Spearman Mounted 2913 11374 66594 825 3769 115590
Kelran Swordsman Mounted 2914 60227 825 825 53090 23126
Kelran Bowman Mounted 2915 35877 2198 826 43717 115668
Multuubo Cheetah Feline 2916 11288 826 70247 284 115707
Multuubo Gerafire Demon 2917 19648 19313 19913 23800 115746
Multuubo Dustflats Wanderer Reptile 2918 13104 24842 25122 19635 115786
Multuubo Deinotherium Beast 2919 10304 69383 827 2216 115825
Multuubo Deinotherium (Champion) Beast 2919 13754 93934 1124 3608 157391
Multuubo Warrior Human 2920 62876 827 827 50671 23173
Multuubo Spearman Human 2921 37511 1549 827 42899 115903
Multuubo Bowman Human 2922 11551 828 67164 3271 115942
Multuubo Shaman Human 2923 20647 19533 19188 23474 115982
Multuubo Hunter Human 2924 12436 26517 25557 18360 116021
Argillaceous (STF Legendary) Magical 2925 8098 54552 644 1105 90160
Drogorath The Vicious (Super Elite) Magical 2925 289066 12803 6260 317870 876400
Kjubert Spine Chomper (Legendary) Magical 2925 48524 644 644 39832 18032
Multuubo Chieftain (Elite) Human 2925 232347 2632 2632 128831 73710
Multuubo Rider Mounted 2925 11469 68094 829 2507 116060
Multuubo Othnielia Reptile 2926 9291 70286 829 2520 116099

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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