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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Aknir Pyroclastic Demon Magical 2333 11568 20409 20727 13619 92854
Chari Barbtooth Beast 2334 7798 54550 663 3339 92893
Chari Capcaun Beast 2335 41334 663 663 49738 18587
Chari Slaver Greenskin 2336 30329 780 664 34633 92971
Chari Slaver (Champion) Greenskin 2336 40910 1698 902 46755 126375
Chari Ibex Beast 2337 30775 1526 664 33470 93010
Chari Scout Demon 2338 16404 16566 16412 17080 93050
Chari Cyclops Human 2339 13143 20427 20289 12631 93089
Chari Guard Human 2340 6847 55387 665 3620 93128
Chari Giant Beast 2341 51907 665 665 39396 18634
Xinak Eagle Avian 2342 30807 1543 665 33559 93206
Xinak Crab Beast 2343 6874 666 53526 5537 93246
Xinak Seal Beast 2344 16657 15459 16081 18433 93285
Xinak Ice Knight Human 2345 11560 21104 20779 13215 93324
Xinak Whale Human 2346 9333 56463 666 224 93363
Weke Giant Beast 2347 33199 667 667 58336 18681
Weke Imp Magical 2348 30273 1221 667 34581 93442
Weke Deer Beast 2349 7517 667 56324 2262 93481
Corrupted Cinders (Elite) Human 2350 131631 1710 1710 102980 47880
Crazy Muslin (Legendary) Human 2350 50109 539 539 23910 15106
Enria the Devourer (Elite) Magical 2350 34881 66153 64471 45993 296100
Ensorcelled Rats Vermin 2350 12816 13060 12537 15785 75880
Quilled Spine Chomper (Legendary) Beast 2350 34733 517 517 36267 14490
Weke Grofflesnout Beast 2350 15664 15549 15442 20143 93520
Telcor Spirit Magical 2351 42556 668 668 49132 18712

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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