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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Steppes Wyvern Beast 708 4837 1552 1627 7050 15068
Steppes Wyvern (Champion) Beast 708 5946 6394 3930 5926 22198
Abyss Wraith Undead 709 5858 1778 2127 5324 15089
Guardian of Meidos (Elite) Magical 710 9443 8455 16715 13666 48280
Nether Ethereal Magical 710 4232 1611 3353 5913 18132
Lowland Stalker Reptile 711 3539 1843 1926 7821 15131
Arkl Troglodyte Beast 712 3784 2756 5676 2934 18182
Tundra Lurcher Beast 713 2490 3950 4719 4011 15173
Tundra Lurcher (Champion) Beast 713 5412 2293 3036 11610 22353
Onyx Swarm Vermin 714 3389 1724 2138 7941 15194
Glades Dryad Magical 715 3445 3774 4722 3272 18258
Lithe Demon Demon 716 6699 1698 1729 5108 15236
Lithe Demon (Champion) Demon 716 3406 6511 4635 7893 22446
Dark Gnat Beast 717 2477 5024 4196 3559 15257
Deranged Troll Greenskin 718 3318 2955 5911 3092 18333
Greater Hrodvitnir Canine 719 3502 4023 3090 4682 15299
Meidos (Elite) Magical 720 13899 7679 17263 10117 58752
Obsidian Golem Golem 720 3729 3812 4592 3185 15320
Lava Scarab Vermin 721 4410 886 6070 3973 18409
Magma Ant Vermin 722 3622 3875 5966 1897 15362
Rhudal Rokh Avian 723 3024 3496 2391 6471 15383
Winged Arachnid Beast 724 5131 2113 2044 6114 15404
Winged Arachnid (Champion) Beast 724 4835 7014 6990 3853 22694
Kobold Looter (Legendary) Vermin 725 2792 204 16641 762 20400
Valley Elemental Magical 725 2684 3614 5093 4032 15425

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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