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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Bentaroth Warrior Human 4187 110361 1182 1182 51858 33106
Bentaroth Shaman Human 4188 53066 1947 1182 62067 165570
Bentaroth Deinotherium Beast 4189 12543 1182 95576 8988 165609
Bentaroth Deinotherium (Champion) Beast 4189 21734 1606 132564 4775 224955
Bentaroth Rock Rhino Beast 4190 28583 27818 29060 32856 165648
Bentaroth Nazum Demon 4191 23336 37113 36367 21531 165687
Bentaroth Hornbuck Beast 4192 17200 96596 1183 3395 165726
Malanar Coastal Ammonite Aquatic 4193 99399 1184 1184 63051 33154
Malanar Carnivorous Clam Aquatic 4194 52146 2769 1184 62332 165805
Malanar Selkie Aquatic 4195 12892 1184 97939 6444 165844
Malanar Sea Witch Aquatic 4196 28434 28327 28611 33114 165883
Malanar Aged Sibisu (Champion) Demon 4197 30702 48726 48890 32665 225380
Malanar Sea Sibisu Demon 4197 22328 37532 35855 22799 165922
Malanar Salt Sibisu Demon 4198 12121 96146 1185 9091 165962
Malanar Giant Sea Scorpion Aquatic 4199 63656 1185 1185 99024 33201
Gnarled Carapace Giant Crab (Elite) Aquatic 4200 43837 3780 304573 25808 529200
Malanar Giant Fiddler Crab Aquatic 4200 51877 1724 1186 63812 166040
Malanar Dragon Turtle Aquatic 4201 17951 37836 37213 25627 166079
Jenneth Hook Pirate Human 4202 15601 98860 1186 3007 166118
Jenneth Pirate Human 4203 86096 1186 1186 76739 33232
Jenneth Corsair Human 4204 56100 3218 1187 58205 166197
Jenneth Sand Crawler Beast 4205 13965 1187 98937 4649 166236
Jenneth Pirate Bomber Human 4206 27847 29478 28484 32957 166275
Jenneth Pirate Bosun Human 4207 19173 37440 35737 26443 166314
Jenneth Pirate Queen (Champion) Human 4208 23030 136419 1614 339 225966

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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