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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Katalopian Mantid Beast 4906 115295 1383 1383 74546 38743
Katalopian Scout Beast 4907 63274 1488 1383 72249 193754
Garagoth Gargantuan Wasp Vermin 4908 19963 1384 117430 1 193794
Garagoth Greater Boar Beast 4909 33137 33871 33543 37899 193833
Garagoth Dinosauroid Reptile 4910 22570 42848 42007 31052 193872
Garagoth Dinosauroid Warrior Reptile 4911 18252 116103 1385 2767 193911
Garagoth Dinosauroid Berserker Reptile 4912 107658 1385 1385 82414 38790
Garagoth Desolation Slug Vermin 4913 63831 2543 1385 70803 193990
Garagoth Giant Termite Vermin 4914 15711 1385 117362 4131 194029
Garagoth Termite King (Champion) Vermin 4914 23855 1882 152715 9778 263525
Rabid Garagoth Squirrel Vermin 4915 33310 33208 33001 39099 194068
Garagoth Tree of Pain Plant 4916 25474 43692 43484 25997 194107
Garagoth Skar Orc Brute Greenskin 4917 18940 111294 1386 7054 194146
Garagoth Skar Orc Spearman Greenskin 4918 90020 1387 1387 100281 38838
Garagoth Skar Orc Maniac Greenskin 4919 62216 2304 1387 72823 194225
Garagoth Ravaged Tree Elemental Magical 4920 20397 1387 117292 1 194264
Garagoth Rock Spider Vermin 4921 34440 33739 32445 38162 194303
Garagoth Thornvine Spore Plant Plant 4922 24225 43469 43344 27775 194342
Garagoth Thornvine Razorfist Elemental Plant 4923 20621 112856 1388 3978 194382
Garagoth Thornvine Dryad Plant 4925 62954 3180 1389 71375 194460
Garagoth Thornvine Warwitch (Elite) Plant 4925 56849 4432 356972 24994 620550
Vile White Chomper (Legendary) Beast 4925 86140 3444 1924 100941 269430
Ornack Sand Worm Beast 4926 34712 34589 33332 36294 194499
Ornack Barrens Naga Reptile 4927 23969 42893 44392 27700 194538
Ornack Carrion Hound Canine 4928 16046 111596 1389 9950 194578

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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