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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Sabz Hydra Reptile 1322 15949 746 338 16815 40620
Firewind Magical 1323 8160 8461 8042 9211 40650
Magma Centaur Feline 1324 5286 10221 10763 7628 40680
Magma Centaur (Champion) Feline 1324 5662 30548 450 8428 54108
Great Erymain Beast 1325 4526 22201 339 6857 40710
Plated Stymph Avian 1326 15577 553 339 17479 40740
Pelopon Bull Beast 1327 4892 339 22262 6480 40770
Mare of Doom Magical 1328 8217 8360 8080 9340 40800
Mare of Doom (Champion) Magical 1328 11044 10706 11106 12166 54029
Mountain Geryon Beast 1329 6073 10437 10506 7007 40830
Beast Peltast Canine 1330 4275 22656 340 6777 40860
Keros the Hydra Hound (Elite) Canine 1330 12140 72388 1064 20806 127680
Fillyoo Reptile 1331 15326 651 340 17756 40890
Cerastes Serpent Reptile 1332 4741 341 22657 6360 40920
Honga Magical 1333 8139 7960 8478 9546 40950
Honga (Champion) Magical 1333 10919 10898 10696 12674 54227
Granite Jogah Magical 1334 5925 10810 10434 6978 40980
Poison Bead Fungus Plant 1335 4657 23529 341 5646 41010
Water Fillyoo Reptile 1336 16379 494 342 16983 41040
Athornt Aquatic 1337 4443 342 21923 7515 41070
Athornt (Champion) Aquatic 1337 5698 453 30524 8644 54385
Blug Fish Aquatic 1338 7941 8373 8392 9542 41100
Golden Death Idol Golem 1339 6096 10778 10690 6709 41130
He who Glitters (Elite) Magical 1340 14054 73752 1072 18321 128640
Ozank Dwarf Slave Dwarf 1340 3926 22158 343 7871 41160

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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