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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Xaintor Biawak Reptile 2576 30943 731 731 69389 20476
Gigantic Xaintor Mantis Vermin 2577 33442 748 731 38232 102418
Xaintor Tiger Feline 2578 10924 731 59027 2500 102458
Xaintor Tiger (Champion) Feline 2578 12773 994 81202 4493 139250
Xaintor Spine Lemur Beast 2579 17923 18202 18151 18934 102497
Xaintor Tribesman Human 2580 12317 22747 23045 15129 102536
Xaintor Death Warrior Human 2581 8214 61726 732 2594 102575
Xaintor Priest Human 2582 64484 732 732 36077 20523
Xaintor Jaguar Warrior Human 2583 32916 2064 733 37609 102654
Xaintor Scout Human 2584 9852 733 62214 551 102693
Xaintor Strike Bee Vermin 2585 17749 17250 17203 21175 102732
Xaintor Grove Hopper Beast 2586 13734 23251 23014 13406 102771
Xaintor Grove Hopper (Champion) Beast 2586 23577 23435 24717 28037 139675
Xaintor Brujo Demon 2587 7600 59966 734 5135 102810
Xaintor Thumper Beast 2588 66995 734 734 33796 20570
Xaintor Orangogo Beast 2589 34503 1834 734 36419 102889
Xaintor Crocodile Reptile 2590 9661 735 60019 3103 102928
Orc Eating Mantis Vermin 2591 17752 17726 17821 20247 102967
Xaintor Pillan Magical 2592 13769 22271 22181 15353 103006
Xaintor Vomit Crab Beast 2593 9219 61422 736 2225 103046
Xaintor Viper Reptile 2594 46538 736 736 54484 20617
Xaintor Viper (Champion) Reptile 2594 50913 1000 1000 86385 28021
Xaintor Nagual Feline 2595 10708 59640 736 2574 103124
Xaintor Stickler Magical 2596 31195 736 736 69904 20633
Xaintor Orc Headhunter Greenskin 2597 34329 1685 737 36963 103202

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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