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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Celgar Halfling Bandit Dwarf 3179 79968 900 900 43528 25204
Celgar Halfling Archer Dwarf 3180 39563 2182 900 47393 126056
Celgar Halfling Rogue Dwarf 3181 13206 900 73136 2824 126095
Celgar Swordsman Elf 3182 21064 20921 22074 26036 126134
Celgar Archer Elf 3183 16800 27777 27278 18266 126174
Celgar Sword Guard Elf 3184 10521 76033 901 2694 126213
Celgar Heavy Spearman Elf 3185 62851 901 901 60875 25251
Celgar Dragon Lord Mounted 3186 42608 1745 902 44951 126291
Celgar Light Cavalry Mounted 3187 10052 902 72268 7013 126330
Celgar Sorceress Elf 3188 22051 21941 22271 24000 126370
Celgar House Guard Elf 3189 17026 28500 27164 17600 126409
Celgar Silent Moon Monk Elf 3190 10022 72530 903 6864 126448
Yulgor Blood Gazant Vermin 3191 70226 903 903 53731 25298
Yulgor Cave Raptor Reptile 3192 43306 2556 903 43609 126526
Yulgor Cyclopean Centipede Vermin 3193 10281 904 72431 6786 126566
Yulgor Depths Basilisk Beast 3194 22138 21853 21940 24499 126605
Yulgor Dusk Goblin Greenskin 3195 9629 73673 904 6252 126644
Yulgor Dusk Goblin Warrior Greenskin 3196 39549 904 904 84600 25337
Yulgor Dusk Goblin Rider Mounted 3197 41063 1080 905 47467 126722
Yulgor Dark Shade Undead 3198 12459 905 72820 4358 126762
Yulgor Dark Horseman Mounted 3199 22426 21765 21153 25225 126801
GrooVelox the Swift (Legendary) Magical 3200 66587 726 726 33088 20342
Yulgor Elmtor Warrior Undead 3200 14101 28420 28715 19363 126840
Yulgor Tuoni Aquatic 3201 16990 28134 28219 17284 126879
Yulgor Albino Tuoni Aquatic 3202 10261 73516 906 5971 126918

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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