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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Jordo Mage Elf 1358 5267 10970 10856 7655 41700
Jordo Mage (Champion) Elf 1358 21314 523 460 23715 55217
Azarz Demon 1359 5328 10551 10483 8411 41730
General Ydmar (Elite) Elf 1360 21270 33674 33293 20561 130560
Jordo Ice Golem Golem 1360 3827 348 23234 7390 41760
Iakam Shark Aquatic 1361 3988 348 23336 7151 41790
Amber Abac Aquatic 1362 4206 348 23981 6314 41820
Salt Water Wargar Reptile 1363 16136 763 348 17626 41850
Boroka Beast 1364 4753 349 23232 6564 41880
Boroka (Champion) Beast 1364 8010 13934 14253 10012 55454
Storm Capriconus Aquatic 1365 16618 696 349 17260 41910
Hakulaq Aquatic 1366 3712 23326 349 7562 41940
Ngani Avian 1367 8148 8519 8148 10157 41970
Horned Drac Reptile 1368 15056 462 350 19130 42000
Mason Drac (Champion) Reptile 1369 8627 14000 13945 9803 55652
Tempest Drac Reptile 1369 6949 10660 10908 6506 42030
Moskenstraumen (Elite) Dragon 1370 26312 25349 27162 30775 131520
Stormcall Drac Reptile 1370 16634 508 350 17556 42060
Damned Wraith Undead 1371 6475 11223 10788 6587 42090
The Fallen Demon 1372 3979 23454 351 7314 42120
Enraged Blackness Demon 1373 15426 626 351 18721 42150
Enraged Blackness (Champion) Demon 1373 20808 909 465 24325 55811
Plain Ghoul Undead 1374 4951 351 24131 5715 42180
Exorcised Fiend Demon 1375 8684 8155 8787 9547 42210
Wracked Demon Demon 1376 6478 11056 11097 6568 42240

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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