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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Tywrin Dried Husk Undead 3136 14105 27002 26815 20884 124331
Tywrin Golden Satyr Beast 3137 12463 74328 888 1155 124370
Tywrin Rock Ogre Golem 3138 59688 888 888 62233 24882
Vantiock Shroud Bat Undead 3139 42506 2635 888 42861 124449
Vantiock Shadow Tiger Undead 3140 12830 889 74422 778 124488
Vantiock Stone Grinder Reptile 3141 21408 22099 20462 24977 124527
Vantiock Granite Golem Human 3142 17456 27751 27194 16572 124566
Vantiock Murk Troll Greenskin 3143 10022 72567 890 5523 124606
Vantiock Murk Troll (Champion) Greenskin 3143 17954 100823 1209 945 169308
Vantiock Giant Scorpion Vermin 3144 58889 890 890 63262 24929
Vantiock Dark Pegasi Magical 3145 40267 1022 890 46878 124684
Vantiock Lizard Reptile 3146 10659 890 75057 2480 124723
Vantiock Deranged Troll Greenskin 3147 20816 21988 20985 25326 124762
Vantiock Dip Hound Canine 3148 15451 27653 28078 17960 124802
Vantiock Wastes Zombie Undead 3149 13297 73349 891 1633 124841
Avarimon the Covetous (Legendary) Demon 3150 47123 715 715 51043 20034
Vantiock Bone Construct (Elite) Undead 3150 135223 5891 2835 139550 396900
Vantiock Skeleton Undead 3150 48681 892 892 73701 24976
Zorgrom War Chanter (Legendary) Greenskin 3150 12672 21929 21980 12766 97090
Vantiock Scarlet Strike Reptile 3151 9182 72782 892 6370 124919
Vantiock Piderbug Vermin 3152 43661 892 892 78798 24992
Vantiock Pterosaur Avian 3153 42112 1166 892 45112 124998
Vantiock Haurez Demon 3154 11282 893 74208 2928 125037
Talaras City Guard Human 3155 21487 20872 22031 24947 125076
Talaras Spearman Human 3156 13970 27980 28432 18984 125115

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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