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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ireshi Chilled Cadaver Undead 4084 51449 2186 1153 60561 161493
Ireshi Glacial Vine Plant 4085 16297 1153 94108 3819 161532
Ireshi Wracked Demon Demon 4086 27144 28704 28129 31429 161571
Ireshi Ice Worm Vermin 4087 20939 35522 36443 22530 161610
Ireshi Screaming Skull Undead 4088 12253 96498 1154 5557 161650
Ireshi Unholy Shade Undead 4089 58569 1154 1154 99885 32338
Ireshi Frozen Sherpan Undead 4090 54770 2699 1155 56895 161728
Ireshi Frozen Sherpan (Champion) Undead 4090 72920 2010 1569 80419 219688
Manaroc Sherpan Brave Human 4091 11694 1155 92803 9894 161767
Manaroc Grey Back Beast 4092 27797 28271 27972 31534 161806
Manaroc White Mountain Lion Feline 4093 18951 36890 35854 23907 161846
Manaroc Yeti Shaman Beast 4094 14484 96618 1156 3372 161885
Manaroc Yeti Loyalist Beast 4095 65166 1156 1156 93518 32385
Manaroc Ice Yeti Magical 4096 53976 3392 1156 57161 161963
Manaroc Yeti Warrior Beast 4097 15634 1157 94471 4452 162002
Manaroc Yeti King Beast 4098 27937 28291 27765 31749 162042
Manaroc Azarz Demon 4099 21513 36718 35068 22472 162081
Flayed Colossus (Titan) Undead 4100 71868 116132 115859 74139 529200
Grandmother Yaga (Elite) Magical 4100 63073 117083 120522 77320 529200
Manaroc Ice Liche (Elite) Undead 4100 273506 3690 3690 232762 103320
Manaroc Skeletal Ice Warrior Undead 4100 16787 94367 1158 3486 162120
Yuletide Daemon Demon 4100 50170 3309 1158 61162 162120
Yelarat Infantry Elf 4101 51783 1984 1158 60901 162159
Yelarat Mage Elf 4102 16705 1158 96537 1454 162198
Yelarat Mage (Champion) Elf 4102 17832 1573 132906 5063 220326

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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