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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gillman Aquatic 853 4067 3006 8070 2968 21735
Screaming Skeleton Undead 854 5948 2015 2238 7931 18134
Screaming Skeleton (Champion) Undead 854 9336 7259 5890 4237 26724
Mort Tree Plant 855 4076 5601 3618 4858 18155
Carcass Ghoul Undead 856 6034 2155 2683 7302 18176
Banshee of Misery Undead 857 4161 4410 5875 3749 18197
Banshee of Misery (Champion) Undead 857 5638 6181 6250 8746 32180
Flesh Construct Human 858 5456 2844 6233 3682 21861
Dungeon Grim Undead 859 7627 2337 2307 5966 18239
Horrowal Vrykolakas Undead 860 5257 6009 4086 2906 18260
Kut Von Schwarzhurg (Elite) Undead 860 11812 3182 16427 27057 70176
Underal Knocker Duellist Magical 861 5094 6179 3185 3821 18281
Underal Knocker Rooter Magical 862 5223 7515 3488 2074 18302
Underal Knocker Warrior Magical 863 6131 5613 4103 2475 18323
Underal Knocker Warrior (Champion) Magical 863 8229 8982 4467 5324 27003
Crimson Headed Stork Avian 864 3862 1324 7005 6151 22012
Bronze Automaton Mechanical 865 4450 2492 2410 9012 18365
Carrion Hound Canine 865 7466 2576 2040 6280 18365
Desert Dybbuk Undead 865 3982 2163 2283 9935 18365
Giant Chamber Scarab Vermin 865 3970 1914 2439 10039 18365
Red Jinn Magical 865 6594 2019 1985 7765 18365
Eye of Kouras Golem 866 5135 4662 6181 2406 18386
Ifrit Djinn Golem 867 7216 1965 2661 6562 18407
Ifrit Djinn (Champion) Golem 867 7395 2185 6973 10573 32552
Elghast Guard Human 868 2253 5048 6353 4771 18428

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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