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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Sernath Drow Reaper Elf 2231 34895 634 634 52181 17771
Sernath Drow Trainee Elf 2232 30401 1231 634 31228 88894
Sernath Training Master (Champion) Elf 2232 12189 71383 863 1879 120842
Sernath Drow Hand Maiden Elf 2233 7297 635 52259 3332 88934
Sernath Banshee Undead 2234 15686 14698 14913 18253 88973
Sernath Skeletal Ice Warrior Undead 2235 9668 19377 20249 14284 89012
Sernath Arydis Azarz Demon 2236 7486 54014 636 1471 89051
Sernath Frozen Ancestor Undead 2237 56632 636 636 30677 17818
Sernath Dol Guard Undead 2238 29335 1356 636 32334 89130
Sernath Dol Warrior Undead 2239 7549 636 53337 2167 89169
Sernath Dol Ice Wight (Champion) Undead 2240 21102 20103 19967 25447 121268
Sernath Dol Wight Undead 2240 15511 15532 15104 17572 89208
Sernath White Mountain Lion Feline 2241 10511 19650 19921 13664 89247
Sernath Slogath Beast 2242 6599 51371 637 5167 89286
Sernath Black Slogath Beast 2243 51831 638 638 35707 17866
Sernath Ice Slogath Magical 2244 29243 1868 638 32081 89365
Sernath Ice Dragonet Dragon 2245 7110 638 52458 3652 89404
Sernath Ice Spider Vermin 2246 15002 15612 15776 17495 89443
Sernath Ice Snake Vermin 2247 12499 19598 20003 11813 89482
Sernath Ice Hawk Avian 2248 7307 54046 639 1950 89522
Sernath Frost Hippogryph Magical 2249 41915 639 639 45855 17913
Sernath Frost Hippogryph (Champion) Magical 2249 82437 869 869 36875 24350
Bellathrognis the Deceiver (Dragon LE) Dragon 2250 22353 823 495 25877 69370
Ranathak Ice Heart (Elite) Dragon 2250 21779 2025 166937 11757 283500
Sernath Snow Sheep Beast 2250 27634 812 640 34913 89600

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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