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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Umbar Fanatic Human 1155 16574 1912 2087 10100 35610
Umbar Fanatic (Champion) Human 1155 18144 1119 1817 18333 47178
Umbar Sacrificial Priest Human 1156 9728 4026 5334 10760 35640
Umbrae Fell Hound Demon 1157 6558 11698 6023 5494 25670
Hell Spider Brood Queen (Champion) Demon 1158 8905 7923 3430 19653 56755
Umbrae Hell Spider Demon 1158 12661 4304 3281 10502 35700
Umbrae Grimalkin Demon 1159 7886 8820 4399 9168 35730
Gristera Matriarch (Elite) Demon 1160 30646 10824 40141 11187 150632
Shadow Gristera Demon 1160 6058 8329 9426 5985 35760
Incandescent Lava Elemental Magical 1161 6644 3105 10344 10730 35790
Fire Sprite Magical 1162 8216 11435 5841 4356 35820
Greater Magmasaur (Champion) Reptile 1163 10815 9545 4955 14261 56993
Magmasaur Reptile 1163 11003 8677 6326 3871 35850
Lava Fungus Plant 1164 1826 4101 15188 8832 35880
Magmatum Snotite Plant 1165 3917 13732 1650 11174 35910
Pyroclastic Ash Demon Demon 1166 9132 9901 1114 10151 35940
Umbar Deacon Human 1167 6643 7005 2448 13877 43164
Umbar Elder Deacon (Champion) Human 1167 9665 5870 4004 20170 47653
Umbar Bishop Human 1168 11085 4179 4217 10517 36000
Umbar Archbishop Human 1169 5985 11190 5635 7213 36030
Magma Dragon Labsarx (Elite) Dragon 1170 21859 15298 37407 19033 134784
Umbar Cardinal Human 1170 5580 4786 6770 12912 36060
Valgotic Miner Dwarf 1171 11135 3861 3122 11955 36090
Valgotic Miner (Champion) Dwarf 1171 16651 5020 5052 13118 47812
Valgotic Ore Brute Dwarf 1172 8424 4251 12883 5040 43344

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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